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发布日期:2023-09-12 作者: 点击:











2002/03-2003/09美国Ohio State University, 电子工程系,从事了AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管的研究工作。

2000/09-2002/03, 美国Northwestern University,量子器件研究中心,研究工作包括:GaInAs/AlInAs量子级联激光、GaN基蓝激光和发光管。

1999/10-2000/09,加拿大McMaster University,电子工程系,开展了InGaAsP-InP多量子阱激光器的研究工作。



林兆军,教授,博士生导师。1999年到2003年,分别在加拿大McMaster University和美国Northwestern University、Ohio State University多所大学从事科学研究工作。2003年12月来太阳成tyc33455ccwww工作,现兼任中国电子学会半导体与集成技术分会委员、山东省电子学会电子元件与材料专业委员会主任委员,主要从事GaN器件及功能模块、低维材料与器件和光电子器件研究。到太阳成tyc33455ccwww以来主持多项国家自然科学基金项目、省部级项目、军工项目和横向项目。提出并建立了GaN电子器件极化库仑场散射理论,这一理论系统论述了GaN电子器件与极化效应相关的载流子散射机制,完善了GaN电子器件的输运理论,建立了融入极化库仑场散射效应的GaN高电子迁移率晶体管速度-电场关系模型,完善了GaN高电子迁移率晶体管电流-电压方程。极化库仑场散射理论说明了GaN高电子迁移率晶体管长期以来存在的器件电子速度峰值远小于GaN材料电子速度峰值这一重要问题,表明GaN高电子迁移率晶体管沟道电导调制不仅具有沟道电子密度调制还具有沟道电子速度调制,这为GaN高电子迁移率晶体管电学性能优化提供重要理论基础;基于极化库仑场散射理论,已建立优化GaN 功率放大器线性度材料和器件结构优化设计规则,并有望为GaN功率放大器和GaN开关电源整体性能提升提供材料和器件结构优化设计规则。作为第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI收录论文60多篇,其中近30篇发表在Applied Physics Letters、IEEE Electron Device Letters、Journal of Applied Physics、IEEE Trans. Electron Devices.、Scientific Reports国际重要核心专业期刊,授权2项发明专利。




3、国家自然科学基金项目:AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管中与AlGaN势垒应变分布相关的载流子散射机制研究,项目号:11174182, 金额:68万元,研究期限:2012.01-2015.12. 项目负责人:林兆军

4、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)项目:AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管中应变极化梯度库仑场散射研究,项目号:20110131110005,金额:12 万元,研究期限:2012.01-2015.12,项目负责人:林兆军

5、国家自然科学基金项目:肖特基接触金属对AlGaN势垒层应变影响研究,项目号:10774090, 金额:30万元,研究期限:2008.01-2010.12. 项目负责人:林兆军



[1]Study of electrical transport properties of GaN-based side-gate heterostructure transistors

Heng Zhou, Yuanjie Lv, Mingyan Wang, Peng Cui and Zhaojun Lin*(*通讯作)

Applied Physics Letters, 121, 212107 (2022).

[2]Influence of Polarization Coulomb Field Scattering on the Sub-60 mV/dec Switching of AlGaN/GaN HFETs

Yongxiong Yang, Zhaojun Lin*, Minyan Wang, Heng Zhou, Yang Liu and Guangyuan Jiang

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69, 63, (2022).

[3]Monte Carlo Investigation of High-Field Electron Transport Properties in AlGaN/GaN HFETs

Mingyan Wang, Yuanjie Lv, Zuokai Wen, Heng Zhou, Peng Cui and Zhaojun Lin*

IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43, 2041, (2022).

[4]A novel AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor based on open-gate technology

Yang Liu, Yuanjie Lv, Shuoshuo Guo, Zhengfang Luan, Aijie Cheng, Zhaojun Lin*, Yongxiong Yang, Guangyuan Jiang and Yan Zhou

Scientific Reports, 11, 22431 (2021).

[5]The mechanism of the enhanced intensity for polarization Coulomb field scattering in AlN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors with submicron gate length

Guangyuan Jiang, Yuanjie Lv, Zhaojun Lin*, Yongxiong Yang, Yang Liu and Yan Zhou

Solid-State Electronics, 186, 108164 (2021).

[6]Improved Linearity with Polarization Coulomb Field Scattering in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors

Peng Cui, Yuanjie Lv, Huan Liu, Aijie Cheng, Chen Fu, and Zhaojun Lin*

Scientific Reports, 8, 983 (2018).

[7]Influence of Different Gate Lengths on Polarization Coulomb Field Scattering Potential in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors

Peng Cui, Mojiang Hui, Chen Fu, Yuanjie Lv, Huan Liu, Aijie Cheng, Chongbiao Luan, Yang Zhou, Gang Dai, and Zhaojun Lin*

Scientific Reports ,8, 9036 (2018).

[8]Effect of Polarization Coulomb Field Scattering on Electrical Properties of the 70-nm Gate-length AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

Peng Cui, Yuanjie Lv, Chen Fu, Huan Liu, Aijie Cheng, Chongbiao Luan, Yang Zhou, and Zhaojun Lin*

Scientific Reports, 8, 12850 (2018).

[9]Influence of Different Gate Biases and Gate Lengths on Parasitic Source Access Resistance in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure FETs

Peng Cui, Huan Liu, Wei Lin, Zhaojun Lin*, Aijie Cheng, Ming Yang, Yan Liu, Chen Fu, Yuanjie Lv, and Chongbiao Luan

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64, 1038 (2017).

[10]Effect of polarization Coulomb field scattering on device linearity in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Peng Cui, Yuanjie Lv, Zhaojun Lin*, Chen Fu, and Yan Liu

Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 124508 (2017).

[11]Study of Gate Width Influence on Extrinsic Transconductance in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors With Polarization Coulomb Field Scattering

Ming Yang, Yuanjie Lv, Zhihong Feng, Wei Lin, Peng Cui, Yan Liu, Chen Fu, and Zhaojun Lin*

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 3908 (2016).

[12]Effect of Polarization Coulomb field scattering on parasitic source access resistance and extrinsic transconductance in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure FETs.

Ming Yang, Zhaojun Li*, Jingtao Zhao, Peng Cui, Chen Fu, Yuanjie Lv, and Zhihong Feng

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 1471 (2016).

[13]Study of source access resistance at direct current quiescent points for AlGaN/GaN heterostruceure field-effect transistors

Ming Yang, Yuanjie Lv, Zhihong Feng, Wei Lin, Peng Cui, Yan Liu, Chen Fu,

Zhaojun Lin*

Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 224501 (2016).

[14]A study of the impact of gate metals on the performance of AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Jingtao Zhao, Zhaojun Lin*, Quanyou Chen, Ming Yang, Peng Cui, Yuanjie Lv, and Zhihong Feng

Applied Physics Letters, 107, 113502 (2015).

[15]Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the electrical properties of the AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors with Ti/Al/Ni/Au gate electrodes

Jingtao Zhao, Zhaojun Lin*, Chongbiao Luan, Yang Zhou, Ming Yang, Yuanjie Lv, and Zhihong Feng

Applied Physics Letters, 105, 083501 (2014).

[16]Theoretical model of the polarization Coulomb field scattering in strained AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Chongbiao Luan, Zhaojun Lin*, Yuanjie Lv, Jingtao Zhao, Yutang Wang, Hong Chen, and Zhanguo Wang, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 044507 (2014).

[17]Influence of the side-Ohmic contact processing on the polarization Coulomb field scattering in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Chongbiao Luan, Zhaojun Lin*, Yuanjie Lv, Lingguo Meng, Yingxiao Yu, Zhifang

Cao, Hong Chen, Zhanguo Wang

Applied Physics Letters, 101, 113501 (2012).

[18]Polarization Coulomb field scattering in In0.18Al0.82N/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Chongbiao Luan, Zhaojun Lin*, Zhihong Feng, Lingguo Meng, Yuanjie Lv, Zhifang Cao, Yingxia Yu, Zhanguo Wang

Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 054513 (2012).

[19]Evaluating AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure Schottky barrier heights with flat-band voltage from forward Current-Voltage characteristics

Yuanjie Lv, Zhaojun Lin*, Lingguo Meng, Yingxia Yu,Chongbiao Luan,Zhifang  Cao, Hong Chen, Baoquan Sun, and Zhanguo Wang

Applied Physics Letters, 99,123504 (2011)

[20]Polarization Coulomb field scattering in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors

Yuanjie Lv, Zhaojun Lin*, Yu Zhang, Lingguo Meng, Chongbiao Luan, Zhifang Cao, Hong Chen, and Zhanguo Wang

Applied Physics Letters, 98, 123512 (2011).

[21]Extraction of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure Schottky diode barrier heights from forward current-voltage characteristics

Yuanjie Lv, Zhaojun Lin*, Timothy D. Corrigan, Jianzhi Zhao,Zhifang Cao, Lingguo Meng, Chongbiao Luan, Zhanguo Wang, and Hong Chen

Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 074512 (2011).

[22]The influence of Schottky contact metals on the strain of AlGaN barrier layers

Zhaojun Lin*, Jianzhi Zhao, Timothy Corrigan, Zhen Wang, Zhidong You, Zhanguo Wang, Wu Lu

Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 044503 (2008).

[23]Electron mobility related to scattering caused by the strain variation of AlGaN

barrier layer in strained AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

Jianzhi Zhao, Zhaojun Lin*, Timothy Corrigan, Zhen Wang, Zhidong You, Zhanguo


Applied Physics letters, 91, 173507(2007).

[24]Influence of Ni Schottky contact area on two-dimensional electron-gas sheet 

carrier concentration of strained AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

Zhaojun Lin*, Wu Lu

Journal of Applied Physics, 99, 014504 (2006).

[25]Thermal stability of Schottky contacts on strained AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

Zhaojun Lin, Wu Lu, Jaesun Lee, Dongmin Liu

Applied Physics Letters, 84, 1585 (2004).

[26]Barrier heights of Schottky contacts on strained AlGaN/GaN heterostructures: Determination and effect of metal work functions

Zhaojun Lin, Wu lu, Jaesun Lee, Dongmin Liu,

Applied Physics Letters 82, 4364 (2003).









