

来源:太阳成tyc33455ccwww 发布时间:2016年12月18日 点击数:








Substantial   bulk photovoltaic effect enhancement via nanolayering


Development of Aluminium Nitride (AlN)   based RF-MEMS sensors for consumer mobile and wireless applications


The   Design of Low Power Ultra-Wideband Transceivers



epoXtal LLC                                         2016 

University of Maryland                     2015 - 2016

University of Pennsylvania               2012 - 2015

University of Milano-Bicocca           2010 - 2012

Shandong University                         2005 - 2010


32 publications in well-recognized international academic journals, including Nature Communications, Nano Letters, etc.; 1 patent; 12 presentations and posters; over 650 citations; referee of 12 journals; Editorial board of 1 journal; Membership of American Physics Society.


Research interests:

Understand materials’ and devices’ functional properties and performance at the atomic scale; including but not limited to the electronic, optical, magnetic, ferroelectric, catalytic, photovoltaic, and defect properties of semiconductors, oxides, hybrid materials, organic molecules, nanomaterials, 2D and carbon-based materials, surfaces and interfaces. Materials design and optimization towards advanced technological applications. Emergent intriguing physics at surfaces and interfaces.  Controllable initiation and applications of explosives. Develop and implement computational models.



Spontaneous polarization and inversion symmetry breaking in ferroelectric materials lead to their use as photovoltaic devices. However, further advancement of their applications are hindered by the paucity of ways of reducing bandgaps and enhancing photocurrent. By unravelling the correlation between ferroelectric materials’ responses to solar irradiation and their local structure and electric polarization landscapes, here we show from first principles that substantial bulk photovoltaic effect enhancement can be achieved by nanolayering PbTiO3 with nickel ions and oxygen vacancies ((PbNiO2)x(PbTiO3)1!x). The enhancement of the total photocurrent for different spacings between the Ni-containing layers can be as high as 43 times due to a smaller bandgap and photocurrent direction alignment for all absorption energies. This is due to the electrostatic effect that arises from nanolayering. This opens up the possibility for control of the bulk photovoltaic effect in ferroelectric materials by nanoscale engineering of their structure and composition.




王楠,2009年取得新加坡国立大学电子工程学士学位,同年获得新加坡国立大学博士全额奖学金留校深造,并被选入新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)联合培养,于2013年取得新加坡国立大学电子工程博士学位。毕业至今,王楠博士任职新加坡科技研究局微电子研究所研究员,自2013年底担任项目负责人,负责气体传感器、非易失性存储器等器件的研发;2014年起,担任新加坡科技研究局RFMEMS方面唯一战略性研究项目(Strategic Research ProjectTMARS负责人,项目经费约人民币1350万元。2013年至今,王楠博士参与、主持研究项目经费累积已达人民币5000余万元。

王楠博士主要研究方向为以氮化铝为压电材料的微系统共振器及其与声子晶体的集成,其研究主要应用为射频滤波器、气体传感器、计时器等。在RFMEMS方面,王楠博士带领其团队成功研发了具有世界最高机电耦合系数二维Lamb波谐振器,成为国际上仅有的两支具有高机电耦合系数Lamb波谐振器研发能力的团队之一。受光子晶体相关理论的启发,他首次发现了声子晶体规律缺陷的Bloch Mode resonance,解决了传统MEMS共振器品质因子和动生阻抗不能共同优化这一难题,实现了二者基于声子晶体共振器的共同优化。



With the increasing demand and popularity of smart phones, the RF-MEMS market has doubled its size to $872 million from 2012 to 2016, and is expected to double again by 2019, reaching a market value of $1.29 billion. RF-MEMS resonators and filters, especially the piezoelectric AlN based ones, being the crucial components for mobile and wireless communications, have attracted tremendous research and industrial attention due to their unique advantage of CMOS compatibility which enables the feasibility of integrating the MEMS devices into the current IC solutions.

In this talk, development of AlN based 2-D Lamb wave resonators with high effective electromechanical coupling coefficient (keff2), as well as their integration with phononic crystal for high power handling applications, will be discussed. The above resonators overcome the trade-off of keff2 against lithographic frequency tuning which exists between the conventional BAW and SAW resonators, favouring high band LTE filtering and duplexing applications.

In addition, AlN on cavity silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform based width-flexural-mode micromechanical resonator with high Q-factor and small size, which overcome the two main challenges faced by the state-of-the-art MEMS resonators in the low HF (several MHz) range in order to displace quartz in the market of timing devices, namely the requirement of vacuum packaging in order to achieve high Q-factor and relatively large size, will also be covered in this talk. Lastly, this talk will be concluded by a brief outlook of the AlN based RF-MEMS sensors for consumer mobile and wireless applications.




Wang Lei works in NXP Singapore as a senior engineer. He has been undertaking some critical circuit block designs in car radar and contactless smart card project. He got his PHD degree from National University of Singapore in February 2014, and worked as a Research Fellow for one year. He published more than ten papers. One of these papers is invited by Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) and another is by International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2012. His research topic includes UWB beamforming transceiver, PLL, DLL, ADC, LDO, DC-DC and so on.



The last decade has witnessed a tremendous growth in wireless communications. Among various types of wireless transceivers, the Impulse Radio ultra-wideband (IR UWB) transceiver offers exciting opportunities due to its amenability to fully digital implementation and duty cycling. Because of its digital pulse like nature, IR UWB can benefit from the scalability of CMOS technology and the tremendous digital signal processing power available. In this thesis, we will present three works that are related to different aspects of UWB. In the first work, we will present a sub 1 GHz on-off keying (OOK) UWB transceiver based on threshold detection targeting for low data rate energy efficient wireless communication. In the second work, a UWB beamforming transmitter is proposed in view of the voltage headroom reduction due to device downscaling. In the third work, a UWB beamforming receiver is proposed. With beamforming, much efficient energy could be achieved by directing the transmitter or receiver power in the desired direction.


The sub 1 GHz UWB transceiver was implemented in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology. Due to the digital intensive architecture proposed, the transceiver achieves high energy efficiency of 100 pJ/bit and 600 pJ/bit during transmitting and receiving, respectively. The implemented transceiver can achieve BER smaller than 0.1% with communicating range less than 27 cm.The 3-5 GHz UWB beamforming transmitter is implemented in 0.13 m CMOS. Through the proposed vernier delay line and delta-sigma delay locked loop DLL) based calibration, we achieve delay resolution of 10 ps, which is 10 times smaller than the currently reported state-of-the-art. Similarly, through digital intensive architecture, and careful optimization of various paths, the resulting beamformer only consumes 9.6 mW which is also 10 times smaller than other reported UWB beamformer.The 0.1-10 GHz UWB beamforming receiver is implemented in 65 nm CMOS and achieved 225 ps delay range with 1.44 mm2 area through the proposed Q compensated approach. This area is seven times smaller than the other UWB beamforming receiver based on passive LC true time delay.

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